3 Things To Do Before You Start Your Day
When we wake up in the morning, the first thing we do is check in with the world. We pick up our phones, tap on an app and let social media inform us on what our friends, our family and strangers were doing during the night. As with many of us, our Instagram timelines, Facebook pages and Twitter feeds have become the gauge for what we think and how we feel. The popular post and rhetoric subconsciously sticks with us throughout the day. And our energy shifts and our focus becomes a bit blurred.
I’ve learned to check in with myself first. I no longer roll out of bed with my phone in my handpick to see how others are. I look inward to see how I am. The first thing I like to do to check in with myself is meditate. I’ve learned that mediation doesn’t always look like lotus positions and quietly repeating mantras. For 15-20 minutes, take a moment to focus on yourself and clear your mind. Take deep breaths, think about nothing and calm any angst that may be with you. Mediation helps clear your mind of negativity and stress. Practiced in earnest, it can give you a moment of peace to reconnect with your goals. Maintain focus on your priorities so you are constantly revitalized.
I spend the next 10-20 minutes of my day setting my intentions. Setting intention is the act of stating what you intend to accomplish during the day, through you actions. It’s a commitment to what you want your day to be about. When you are intentional about something, your focus is in the moment; who you are, what you do and why you do it. I do this through reflection on gratitude and thankfulness.
The third thing I like to do is journal. I’m a writer, a list maker and a jotter downer. For me, if it isn’t written then it isn’t real. I’m able to use my journal to keep my secrets, manage for feelings and keep me accountable to my intention. You should take a few minutes to journal at the start and end of your day. By doing this, you allowing yourself to be gain control of your emotions, expectations and mental health.
Full disclosure, I’ve always envied the person that takes control of their day and not allow their day to control them. These simple task have help me become more efficient, less stressed and more in control of my day.