When you think about a perfect Sunday , it could involve visiting family, cleaning the house, or prepping for the upcoming week. However, must of us need Sundays for “SELF”. We can use them for SELF-care, to pamper and love on ourselves after a hard week. We can use them to SELF-heal and take some time to forgive ourselves for what we may have endured during the week. And most importantly, we can block out the world and give yourself permission to be SELF-ish, and be unapologetically lazy as you want to be. Loudly say “YES” to whatever you want to do and stand firm in an equally loud “NO” to the things you don’t want to do. Here are some tips:
Self-Care: Spend Some Time Alone
While you could spend some quality time with friends and family, you also need to have some time to yourself. Why? Because being alone has several benefits. It gives you the opportunity to reflect, clear your mind, improve your creativity, do the things that you want to do. Taking care of your physical and mental self is essential to rejuvenation. As an added benefit, self care simply helps you feel good about yourself. You might sleep in, binge watch Netflix, book a massage at your favorite spa or take a long bath at home with lavender or other relaxing essential oils.
Self-Heal: Journal
Sometimes negative or heavy thoughts can put on their track shoes and run a loop in our heads. Many of us need an outlet to express ourselves without the judgements of others or the price tag of a therapist. Journaling is simply writing down your thoughts or feelings to understand them more clearly. And if you struggle with stress, depression or anxiety, purging your emotions in a journal is a great idea.
Be Selfish: “I Am Reclaiming My Time”
Taking advise from the great Maxine Waters, You don’t have to lend you time to anyone for any reason. Sundays should be reserved to recharge and regroup. You’re only able to do so by doing things that make YOU happy. Staying home unshowered in my favorite tee is my go-to option.
I subscribe to the notion that Sunday are personal and reserved for purpose. Feel free to define purpose however you see fit, but make you Sunday personal, healing and as Lazy as you want it to be.